Jennifer Hope
Actress, Singer, Sharer of Random Facts
Here is what a few of my current and former voice students have to say about working with me as a voice teacher and audition coach:

Jenna Kavaler
Actress, Theatre Three
Port Jefferson, NY
Working with Jen for many years has made me the performer I am today.
My regular lessons started with technique, as well as audition preparation. Almost immediately, my voice noticeably improved. Over time, the improvements just continued.
Jen’s help in finding me auditions and preparing me for those auditions led to participating in dozens of Main Stage productions and many paying jobs. When it came time to audition for colleges, Jen’s advice and expertise was so valuable. Not only did she help me choose fresh material to best showcase my voice, but she also gave me the skills to be able to effectively find and choose my own songs.
All of the auditions she helped me prepare for and the people she has connected me with ultimately led to a full-time contract at a professional theatre. In every lesson, she gave me so much of her time and so much of herself. She went above and beyond in every way.
Not only did Jen teach me technique for singing, but also all that comes with it. I learned everything from acting in song to how to research a role to how to find auditions. Looking back, the amount of fun I had in my lessons brings a smile to my face.
Jen’s coaching has played an instrumental role in all I’ve accomplished and I am extremely grateful for all that she’s taught me.

Justine Re'
Recording Artist
Jen Hope is a fantastic vocal teacher!
She was the first teacher I ever had and she taught me all about breathing, vocal preservation, warm ups, and she recommends the best audition repertoire!
Hope is a wealth of knowledge and is always there for her students!

Freyja Goldstein
Actress and Singer
Nassau County Chorus, NY
Metropolitan Youth Orchestra Chamber Chorale, NYC
The first time I got to know Jen was when we did a repertory production of the Miracle Worker. Back then I was a decent actress, and I got a lot of singing roles because I could belt loudly.
Jen helped me add to that skill set and become the performer I am today. When I first started taking lessons with her, she helped me work on my musical theater voice, giving me the technique and structure I never had before.
But with time, Jen did more than that. She helped me move from a child actress who could only belt to an advanced singer with support and confidence. She helped me explore my soprano range, experiment with tone and timbre, and begin moving on to classical pieces I never could’ve imagined performing.
More than that, since the day I met her, Jen has been there supporting me on every musical endeavor I have attempted. She led me to 3 straight years of perfect scores on NYSSMA (NY State and County Choral auditions), and has gotten me dozens of roles and opportunities I never would have found without her.
She is also a remarkable performer herself, and I learn just as much from coming to see her shows as well. From lessons the day of an audition, to Skype sessions when she moved away, to last minute calls talking me out of panic attacks before auditions, Jen has been not only an amazing teacher, but a spectacular friend.

Alexa Joseph
Actress, Kidz Theatre, NYC
Jen Hope always made great choices for my songs and always prepared me so well for her auditions. When we met, I was playing leads and supporting roles in mainstage shows on Long Island, but what I really wanted was to go into the city to meet with managers and work and audition for professional jobs. Jen helped me prepare for my meetings and I booked with a manager right away! Her help was essential to make the transition from community and school shows to professional jobs and programs in Manhattan!